The newest episode of the HRD Masterclass Podcast will be released on the 10th October 2023. It is the ninth episode of the fourth season.
The Human Resource Development Masterclass Podcast deals with the fundamentals of HRD and how it is changing in the workplace in the 2020s.
The newest episode will feature three Guest Scholars. The featured people are Prof. Dr. Alexandre Ardichvili, Prof. Dr. Maria José Sousa and Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens. Together they will discuss the topic of “HRD & Artificial Intelligence”.
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Archidivili is a professor of HRD and Endowed Chair in Leadership and Adult Career Development at the University of Minnesota. He has recieved multiple awards for his outstanding research and has published multiple articles and books on the topic of HRD.
Prof. Dr. Maria José Sousa is the pro-rector for the development of Distance Learning and Professor and Researcher at ISCTE at the University Institute of Lisbon. She co-authored more than a 100 scientific articles and book chapters. Other big achievements of hers are that she was president of the ISO Technical Committee 260 on Human Resource Management and that she represented Portugal at the International Organization for Standardization.
Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens is a professor in Work, Human Resources and Leadership at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Her core research interest is related to the interplay of individual and organizational capabilities while adapting to change in dynamics, especially technological innovation. Since 2021 she is speaker for the competence center HUMAINE and she was recently appointed to the Acatech expert group on Learning Systems.
These three will discuss the topics of AI and HRD in depth in this podcast episode. First of they will start with explaining the term of “Artificial Intelligence” and why it is so big in the news as of now. After that they will discuss how the usage of AI will change the organization in companies and how it will affect the individual worker. To finish it off they will talk about HRD, its practice, education and what farther research will be needed in the future.