Our Aim.
Our project lead Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens got the opportunity to introduce the Competence Center for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence HUMAINE at the virtual network symposium of the CoCo project.
© Wilkens & Langholf based on Arlindo Oliveira 2019
We are in a field of tension, formed by developments in artificial intelligence (AI).
This state of tension can be turned around in favor of human-centered work design. This can be achieved by utilizing the potential of AI for better quality, precision and reliability, and thus not taking the work from humans, but rather allowing individual skills to be used to even greater effect. Humans and AI together stand for high-performance operations and improved working and living conditions.
With innovative methods at the interface between AI development and AI use and validation on practical pilot applications in the healthcare sector and industrial SMEs, we show ways to transform the world of work. Through new forms of work organization, we create the conditions for forward-looking technology to become reliable through the consistent involvement of people and thus to develop its potential. These are the requirements for economic efficiency and acceptance.
In a welcoming message at our Spring Fair 2022, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Dr. h. c. Thomas Sattelberger, classifies the role of the HUMAINE Competence Center within the framework of the overall regional competence centers of labor research funded by the BMBF.
Our integrative approach.
In science-practice collaborations, HUMAINE develops and validates methods at the interface between AI development and AI use. These are multiplied by transfer partners in the Metropole Ruhr.
HUMAINE is developing a piloted toolbox for the human-centered design of work through and with AI that brings together the dimensions of people, technology, and organization. The piloting results from scientific conception and practical testing within seven pilot applications. The developed methods will be validated and scientifically elaborated and made accessible to a broad audience of experts via the competence center HUMAINE.