Friday, April 12, 2024

10:00 – 13:00 h


(Center for the Engineering of Smart Product-Service Systems)
Hans-Dobbertin-Str 8, 44803 Bochum | Tram-Station Mark 51°7

Who is the HUMAINE career fair for?

  • Do you find artificial intelligence interesting?
  • Are you looking for a job, a thesis, an internship or a PhD position?
  • Do you value interesting tasks, co-determination and the sustainable use of technology?

Then find your new employer here!

What awaits you?

At the HUMAINE career fair, a wide range of interesting companies and institutions from industry, healthcare and research present themselves.
Whether theory, development, implementation or application of artificial intelligence – what they all have in common is that they want to use artificial intelligence to make the working world of tomorrow a little better.

You want that too?
Then help to shape the future!

Your company works with AI?

Are you looking for motivated, well-trained team members?

Do you have vacancies, exciting graduation projects or internships in the field of artificial intelligence?

Then exhibit with us!

How to find us


This was the HUMAINE Career Fair 2023