Friday, April 12, 2024
10:00 – 13:00 h
(Center for the Engineering of Smart Product-Service Systems)
Hans-Dobbertin-Str 8, 44803 Bochum | Tram-Station Mark 51°7
Who is the HUMAINE career fair for?
- Do you find artificial intelligence interesting?
- Are you looking for a job, a thesis, an internship or a PhD position?
- Do you value interesting tasks, co-determination and the sustainable use of technology?
Then find your new employer here!
What awaits you?
At the HUMAINE career fair, a wide range of interesting companies and institutions from industry, healthcare and research present themselves.
Whether theory, development, implementation or application of artificial intelligence – what they all have in common is that they want to use artificial intelligence to make the working world of tomorrow a little better.
You want that too?
Then help to shape the future!