As part of the annual “Research Development Fund” programme of the World Universities Network (WUN), the transdisciplinary and international team led by project leader Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens received the award for the planned project: Global network for responsible human-centred AI management and context-sensitive operations – Keep the users in the loop (NET-hUmAIN). In this project, a global network will be established over a funding period of one year, which will contribute research results, educational programmes and proven methods in order to reliably use AI in work processes by adapting it to the context and users. The focus is on global collaboration across eight countries and five continents to take into account different contextual factors. In addition to four RUB departments, the WUN partner universities Mahidol University (Thailand), University of Pretoria (South Africa), Makerere University (Uganda), University of York (United Kingdom) and Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) as well as Cornell Tech (USA) and the University of South Australia (Australia) are involved. At the RUB, the project will be brought to life through a Winter School in 2024, several LabVisits by international researchers and an international conference in 2025. In addition to Prof Uta Wilkens, Dr Valentin Langholf from the Department of Work, Human Resources and Leadership is involved in the project in a coordinating role.
We are really looking forward to the international collaboration.