On March 02, 2023, Prof. Uta Wilkens and André Litim participated in the session “Human-centricity in the introduction of AI in companies. Competence centers of work research and CoCo – Connect Collect”. There, they presented the further development of the scenario method for identifying business areas of human-centered AI to an audience of around 50 interested listeners. The method builds on familiar approaches and transfers them into a context-specific translation for a human-centric AI strategy for the organization. The scenario method can be applied to companies of different industries and sizes and has already been evaluated with our corporate partners, who were able to identify a design framework for human-centered AI development and use and translate it into concrete options for action. On Wednesday, we worked together with other competence centers for work research in a workshop on the topic of “Transdisciplinarity in work research”. The aim of the workshop was to identify target groups, options for action and strategies for the transfer of scientific results into practice and of practical findings into science.