We are once again looking forward to a lively exchange in our ideas lab on October 17! We will start at 5 p.m. with a welcome and the two presentations by Robert Kilian and Christian Els, which will form the basis of our discussion. The discussion tables will start between 18:30 and 19:30. 20 MINUTES After a 5-minute presentation of the respective topic, the discussion phase begins. Here you have the opportunity to enter into dialog with experts from various fields! 4 TOPICS This time, our topics will be presented by HUMAINE, sentin, TÜV IT and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ländliche Regionen. ♂️ 2 ROUNDS Spoilt for choice: Dive into your two favorite topics in 2 consecutive rounds. A short introduction at the table kicks off the discussion. After the first round, the table and topic change and you focus on a different topic in a new constellation. 1 VISION Actively help shape AI regulation!