❗ EDIT❗ There has been an organizational change for our ideas lab next Tuesday (17.10.2023) at 5 pm. Due to recent developments, we have decided to move the ideas lab to the digital space. This will enable us to cover the topic of “AI regulation and certification of algorithms” on a supra-regional level. This change is also accompanied by an adjustment to the agenda. We are postponing the format of the discussion tables to a future event and focusing on the discussions surrounding the presentation topics in this ideas lab. For a more detailed overview, here are the key dates and adjusted agenda: The new agenda is as follows: – 17:00 Welcome and moderation – Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens, IAW – 5:10 pm Presentation and discussion “AI regulation and certification of algorithms” – Dr Robert Kilian, CertifAI – 5:40 pm Presentation and discussion “AI regulation from the perspective of an industrial technology company” – Christian Els, sentin GmbH – 6:10 pm Closing and networking Key event data: Date: 17.10.2023 Time: 5:00 – 6:30 pm ⌛ Location: Zoom Link: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/68619916663?pwd=VE5QR2JmMHkrQTdOWVFMcmthdEYrZz09 No registration is necessary, anyone can join the Zoom session. Despite this last-minute change, we look forward to exciting insights and lively discussions on the topic of AI regulation with you!