At the last HUMAINE employee dialogue, around 30 participants from science and practice discussed the opportunities and risks of using generative AI in knowledge work. The online event began with two inputs from the HUMAINE team. Dr Antonia Weirich (Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme, Ruhr University Bochum) kicked things off. Based on a practical experience report, she illustrated how diverse the application possibilities of ChatGPT are in scientific work. Current research results were then presented by Dr Anja Gerlmaier and Dr Paul-Fiete Kramer (IAQ, University of Duisburg-Essen). Using the HUMAINE tool ‘FriendlyTechCheck’ developed at the IAQ, they analysed the effects of generative AI in the work of a research and development team and were able to highlight the diverse potential, but also the risks, of using ChatGPT in knowledge work. Both inputs provided the impetus for a lively exchange among all participants about individual usage experiences and design requirements for a sustainable and human-centred use of generative AI. We would like to thank all participants for their interest and the exciting discussion. The results of the FriendlyTechCheck survey can be read here: